15 Interesting facts about Expo 2020 Dubai that blow minds
The United Arab Emirates are always willing to mark their presence on an international level. After obtaining the right to host the Expo 2020, Dubai was more than happy. It was a huge opportunity for them to demonstrate their capacity of creating a mega-event out of nothing. Keep reading in order to discover some interesting facts about Expo 2020 Dubai. These facts show you why this event is expected to be out of ordinary.
If you are not familiar with the Expo Dubai 2020 or just want to have more information, you’re in the right place. We’ll discover the journey Dubai took several years ago to stand out of the competition.
Expo 2020 Dubai is a mega event that will combine all the innovative ideas and the successful entrepreneurs in one place. This event is held every five years to celebrate human connections and innovation. Every five year the brightest ideas are gathered together to create the future.
It’s not by chance that the theme of this expo is “Connection Minds, Creating the Future”. Back in 2015, the World Expo was held in Milan.
By the way, if you are planning to visit Dubai Expo, you can check out some interesting activities to do in Dubai during your stay.Here are 15 facts about the expo you should absolutely know before the show begins.
First host city in the Middle East
Dubai is the first city in the Middle East to obtain the right to host this international exhibition. Dubai Expo has so much importance to Dubai’s business achievements, that a dedicated area is under construction to host it. By the way, this happens to the Middle East for the first time. And, as always, all the credits go to the UAE.
Winner among 10 cities
Dubai obtained the right to host the expo out of more than 10 candidate cities. You can’t believe, but obtaining the right to host an event of this size requires a lot of efforts. Back in 2013, Dubai addressed an inquiry to the Bureau International des Expositions. The city was chosen as host with 116 overall votes.
The local people in Dubai were crying from happiness. The government announced holidays at schools several days later. This is the first time an event of this scale is happening in the UAE and the Middle East in general.
Overall duration of 6 months
The expo will be held from October 20, 2020 to April 4, 2021. During six months, the expo will combine different exhibitions. They will allow visitors to experience different cultures and have fruitful business discussions.

3 sub-themes associated with the Expo
The Expo will be held around opportunity, mobility, and sustainability. The organizers of this expo believe that every human being might have access to a better future. The future will be better if humans come together and innovate in different areas. This expo wants to celebrate cultural differences and human implicit connections.
200 participants during the expo
More than 200 participants are expected during the expo. One of the great news is that the public and private sectors are being involved in this international exhibition. More than 190 participants will be representing different countries and their innovative ideas to better shape the future together.
1 district per sub-theme
The expo site is divided into 3 districts according to different sub-themes. Each participant has the possibility to get a place in one of these pavilions according to their selected themes. The countries are expected to bring their most talented people and entrepreneurs together with their brightest ideas and projects.
For instance, Dubai pavilion will represent its innovative solar panel project during the exhibition.
25 million expected visitors
Expo 2020 Dubai expects to attract 25 million visitors during six months. This number shows the international attraction and attention that gets Dubai Expo all over the world. More than 25 million people will be visiting the different pavilions to get inspired and discover new countries and cultures. It’s expected that 75% of the visitors will be foreigners visiting from other countries.
New expected 100,000 rooms in terms of accommodation
Dubai expects to have more than 100,000 rooms by 2020 to host 25 million people during the exhibition. The lack of accommodation will be solved before the expo starts. The venue area is located not far from many hotel brands like Marriott, Fortune Park Hotel, etc. Every visitor will be able to find accommodation according to his or her budget and preferences.
Overall area of 220,000 square meters
Dubai Expo will occupy an area of 220,000 square meters. It’s not a secret that Dubai is a city of records. The total area dedicated to the exhibition is bigger than New York City’s Grand Central Station. It’s even four times bigger than the 2015’s host destination Milan. Huge infrastructure is under construction to host the event. The construction work started right after Dubai has been selected as a host city.
New expected 300,000 workplaces
The expo is expected to create 300,000 new workplaces. The majority of these workplaces will be in the tourism sector in order to welcome and accommodate visitors. Thousands of attendants will ensure the safety and quality services on the ground.
Logo of the expo in form of an ancient ring
The logo of Dubai expo is inspired by an archeological site. Right after the announcement of the next host city, the government of Dubai announced a competition for the logo design. The design of the logo was selected by the ruler of Dubai. It was inspired by a ring found in an archeological site 4,000 years ago.
Special metro station near the exhibition area
A special metro station is under construction next to the exhibition area. It’s not only the main building that is under construction. A dedicated metro station will connect the site to different regions of the city.
This metro station will be managing more than 23,000 passengers per hour to each direction. In addition, to the metro station, there will be four different entrances to the main area of the exhibition. Each of them will be managing 15,000 people per hour.
100% ecological project
The sustainability and the energy saving are at the heart of the concerns of this exhibition. Firstly, 90% of the material used during the construction process will be reused to build public buildings. Then, solar panels will be used to provide the venue with electricity.
These actions are targeted to decrease significantly the carbon footprint, water, and energy consumption. You can deepen your knowledge around sustainability goals on the Expo Dubai 2020’s official web page.
Non-ordinary inauguration day
The inauguration day of World Expo 2020 matches with the 50th anniversary of the reunification of the seven Emirates. By saying this, we assume that something fantastic and extraordinary is waiting for us in the nearest future.
International cultural hub
Dubai Expo will be a place to exchange, taste food from 200 different countries. People can also assist in different cultural and artistic performances.
Huge souvenir shop
The venue area will have a large souvenir shop. The souvenir shop is expected to be bigger than the Dubai Mall ice rink. You can find here souvenirs from 200 different destinations.